Impact Hub Manila: Wait, why did I even start my blog? Listening to inspiration.

Last Monday, I was graced with an invitation to Hubblogathon hosted by Impact Hub Manila. Hubblogathon was a day where 20+ bloggers gathered together to share their ideas, listen to experienced bloggers and  talk with local entrepreneurs who began their businesses with a cause.

Since I am still new to the blogging community it was a perfect experience being able to go beyond my expertise. Meeting writers from all kinds of genres from beauty, travel, urban lifestyle, health, HIV awarness and the LGBT community, and even to cancer awarness. To be honest, I was a bit intimidated being the only fashion blogger. It’s easy to see a fashion blog as superficial, and that is why I am so thankful for going to this event. I was able to bring back the roots as to why I even started this blog. Being inspired by these other bloggers, and the entrepreneurs that I met gave me a clearer vision to the purpose of my writings. You see, never in my life did I ever think I would start a fashion blog.  I began this blog because I have always loved to write. I began this blog because I have always loved to share my thoughts. I began this blog because I wanted to make a change.

Hubblogathon brought several guests to talk about their organizations that benefit the people. From BamBike, Hope In a Bottle, Mom’s Hause of Mushroom, and KKK Coffee among others. Inspiring to see that from the beginning each of these organizations/companies were driven to make an impact on the community.

Speakers Johan Janssens, Bryan Benitez McClelland, Ami Valdemoro, Jay Martin, Philippe Gaeng, and Princess Manzon
Check out Bam Bike!

It just so happens that my love for vintage fashion and the pin-up culture became acknowledged through Instagram and one little article on Buzzfeed. People started to notice and I began taking credit. It gave me the confidence to share my knowledge to those who are unaware of how great the pin-up culture really is. I want people to understand how the popularity of the modern day pin-up is playing a role in today’s feminist society. There is a large role of feminism in pin-up culture today; going from body confidence, equality, freedom of expression and so-on. What I’ve learned from Impact Hub Manila is just how important and powerful a blog can be. Even if I reach a small number of readers, those readers are enough for me to be happy that I have been heard. I’ve always wanted to advocate certain aspects of the women in the Philippines. Coming from a country full of corruption, poverty and inequality it can be very difficult for women to understand the importance of gender role.

The event made me push the reset button, and now I am fully inspired and have been brought back to the root of my blog in reaching my goal of showing how pin-up models and the women and men who are into “old fashioned cars, red lipstick, posing in a swimsuit and wear really old clothes” are actually really great role models. I wish to bring this sense of positivity to all women in the Philippines. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to curl your hair, wear a petticoat all day and do your makeup for 30 minutes. That is just a great added factor to being a woman! My future writings will continue to emphasize on fashion, style, vintage videos, movies and inspirations. But, now my writings will be full of new valuable content spanning from social impact, environmental change, and women empowerment. Look forward to many collaborations, exclusives and open forums!

Mina Deocareza of Voice of the Youth and Joemar Belleza of
Riding Clean with coffee entrepreneur Brian Tenorio and fellow blogger Audrey Tangonan.
With beauty blogger Gellie Abogado of

I hope you continue with me on this blog not only for the beautiful dresses and old Hollywood starlets, but to understand and get an insight as to why I love this culture so much. I want to thank Impact Hub Manila for the great experience, and for all of you who are interested in social and environmental impact, entreprenureal ideas and guidance, or would just love to become a member for co-working check out on .Each month they invite many business leaders to give talks where you can come in for FREE and listen in on their journey. Talks such as “Fuck Up Nights” where you learn from failed businesses to what they can achieve, to “Nailed It Nights” a talk on sucessful startups. Just check out their Facebook or website for updates on these events.


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